A wall between us

Created by Bob and Annie 2 months ago

It is very strange to think that we have been Wendy’s next-door neighbours, and her father before her, for nearly 30 years yet have only become her friends in the last 4 years.  Our gardens were separated by a high wall and our houses by two roads.  Not until the wall blew down in storm Brendan on 14th Jan 2020 and flattened Wendy’s greenhouse did we meet her.  We spent much time together pouring over tythe maps and references to ‘Glebe Lands’ trying to identify the wall’s ancient ownership as both our insurers shied away from responsibility.  Wendy’s gentle sense of humour and stoicism shone through and we became firm friends thereon.  She loved animals and in particular our dog, even when she rootled out a hedgehog from under her hedge as we chatted in her garden.

We shall miss her.

With our love, rest in peace, Bob and Annie