Aunty Wendy the ‘great’.

Created by Zoe 2 months ago

Wendy was a special Godmother to me and my sister, Fran. She was very old friends with our mum, Robbie, and the two of them went to school together, along with their friend, Penny.

She was such a warm, kind, intelligent and interested Godmother, and we grew up knowing her as Aunty Wendy. I have many special memories of Auntie Wendy, and especially remember her showing us around Majorca and showing off her champion windsurfing skills (!) when we went on holiday with her.

She never failed to remember us on our birthdays and special occasions, and when we went on to have our own children she always remembered their birthdays too. That was when she became known as ‘Great Aunty Wendy’ which I know amused her, and from then on that is how she signed off her cards.

Wendy, you were great and will be missed.

Lots of love,
